Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 2004
Draft May 3, 2004
The meeting of May 1, 2004 at the Richmond cmapus of Kwantlen University-College was called to order at 8:25 am by President S. Phillips.
1. It was MOVED by P. Smith and SECONDED by T. Summerville that the agenda be approved. CARRIED
2. It was MOVED by T. Summerville and SECONDED by S. Tyakoff that the minutes of the 2003 business meeting be approved. CARRIED
3.1. The previous year’s decision to award the Weller Prize every year was re-considered in light of this year’s failure to award a prize. It was agreed to move the Weller prize back to a biennial process and to discuss ideas for an alternate year award at the 2005 AGM.` MOVED by P. Smith and SECONDED by T. Summervile. CARRIED
3.2. The activiies of the student bursary committee were discussed. It was agreed that the association accept in principle the proposal to request donations from media interviewers of a small fee for services tobe donated to a BCPSA student award fund, the details of this process to be delegated to the BCPSA executive. MOVED by P. Smith and SECONDED by D. Cook. CARRIED
4.1. Progamme Committees Report
S, Phillips reported that the joint Langara/Kwantlen/SFU team had worked well this year and had arranged for the presentation of 33 papers, three keynote spekaers and three roundtables. Early registration figures for Day 1 were in the range of 60 attendees and participants. It was MOVED by P. Smith and SECONDED by D. Cook that the report be received and thanks extended to the local organizer, Jay Haaland, and the program committee chair S. Phillips for their excellent work on this year’s conference. CARRIED.
4.2. Presidents Report
Discussion centered on the contacts made with the association by the Citisen’s Assembly on Electoral Reform. It was MOVED by S. Tyakoff and SECONDED by T. Summerville that the report be received. CARRIED.
4.3. Treasurers Report
M.Howlett presented several financial statements covering the April 1 to March 31 2003-2004 fiscal year. He noted the Association was currently in the black but, pending the outcome of this year’s AGM, with only a small balance of approximately $500 in its bank account would not be in the position to act as a ‘banker’ for the UNBC AGM. If the Association wanted a larger balance it should consider raising the fees charged for the AGM or instituting a separate membership fee. It was MOVED by S. Tyakoff and SECONDED by T. Summerville that the report be received. CARRIED.
5.1. It was announced that the winners of the annual student essay prizes were:
Undergraduate — Lower Division: Leila Hartford, North Island College
“Effective Representation: The Case For Electoral Reform ”
Undergaduate — Senior Division: Jessica Edge, Simon Fraser University
“The Creation of an International Climate Change Regime: The Impact of Epistemic Communities on the Kyo to Protocol
Graduate — M.A.: James Steidle, MPP, Simon Fraser University
“Failure of the Compact Region in the Greater vancouver Regional District: Unrealistic Hopes for Policy Integration?
Graduate — Ph.D.: Kathleen McNutt-Darragh – Simon Fraser University
“Navigating Small Worlds: Virtual Policy Netowrks, e-Governance, and a Digitalized Canada – Consideration on Research Des ign
It was MOVED by T. Summerville and SECONDED by S. Tyakoff that the report of the adjudication committee be approved. CARRIED
It was UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED that the following be elected to the BCPSA Executive for two year terms: VP1 Tracy Summeriville (UNBC`); VP2(A) Jeremy Rayner (Malaspina); VP2(B) Shaun Tyakoff (Douglas); Regional Rep North Hando Arendt (NWCC); Regional Rep Southern Interior Barrie McCullough (OUC); Regional Rep Vancouver Island Ross Lambertson (Comosun) and Regional Rep Lower Mainland Noemi Gal-Or (Kwantlen)
7. OTHER BUSINESS It was MOVED by P. Smith and SECONDED by S. Tyakoff that the executive be delegated responsibility for devloping a poicy statement on the need for post-secondary institutions in the province to have faculty-controlled Senates and to communicate this to those responsible for planning at post-secondary institutes such as Cariboo University-College. CARRIED
8. It was MOVED by P. Smith and SECONDED by S. Tyakoff that the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED and the meeting adjourned at 9:00 am