
Whereas the BC Political Studies Association (BCPSA) is committed to the protection of democratic values and cherishes Canadians’ freedom of expression and peaceful assembly operating as fundamental freedoms embedded in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and foundational to Canadian society;

Whereas Governments in Canada are obliged to respect and protect Charter Rights and non-governmental agencies, such as Universities also have to respect related provincial Human Rights Codes;

Whereas BCPSA encourages expressions of the right to protest, criticize, or express dissent to public policy or war as long as free speech refrains from demeaning, advocating harm, or hate towards others;

Whereas the BCPSA supports the work and actions of post-secondary students in BC, Canada and beyond;

We, the BCPSA, implore political authorities, law enforcement and university administrations to respect students’ fundamental freedoms in their demands for peace and cease fire in Gaza, for respect of international human rights laws, for upholding humanitarian principles, or for university divestment.

We, the BCPSA, condemn any authorities’ overreach and police violence, and call on the administration/authority of Canada’s post-secondary institutions to prioritize the safety of their students who are at risk of being wrongfully displaced, arrested, detained, threatened or harassed whilst enacting these guaranteed rights and freedoms in a peaceful manner on campus.

We, the BCPSA unwaveringly stand with the courageous students who are participating in the gathering Student Palestinian Solidarity movement, including the recent encampments popping up across in British Columbia, including UBC, University of Victoria and Vancouver Island University.