Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 2002

Draft ­ May 6, 2002

1. The meeting of May 4, 2002 at Okanagan University College was called to order at 8:45 am by President A. Michalos.

2. It was MOVED by P. Smith and SECONDED by A. Shadrack that the agenda be approved. CARRIED

3. It was MOVED by P. Smith and SECONDED by A. Shadrack that the minutes of the 2001 langara AGM be approved. CARRIED.


The development of the Geoff Weller Memorial Book Prize was discussed. It was agreed that the first award of this prize should be made at the 2003 AGM, that the prize would be restricted to books published by BC political scientists in the preceding two years, that adjudication would be by the Executive Committee and that nominations and self- nominations would be solicited through the call for papers issued for each AGM. The possibility of establishing a second prize for peer reviewed articles was also discussed but tabled for the moment.


5.1. President¹s Report

President Michalos discussed the location of the 2003 and 2005 AGMs given the receipt of written notice from Douglas College that they would be unable to hold the meeting. It was re- iterated that it was important to ensure that Articulation continued to be held in conjunction with the BCPSA AGM. Various proposals were discussed for altering the current “Vancouver and out” biennial format of the meetings, including the possibilities of only holding the meetings at universities or arranging a “university and out” biennial system. It was decided to retain the existing system although allowing for joint sponsorship of AGMs by proximate institutions in the future. It was proposed that Articulation be requested to consider either SFU in 2003 and Kwantlen/UCFV in 2005 or vice versa.5.2. Program Chair¹s Report

5.3. Treasurer¹s Report

M.Howlett presented several financial statements covering the April 1 ­ March 31 2001/2002 fiscal year. He noted that the organization received revenues of about $800 this year from UBC and UBC Press for the publication of K. Carty¹s book and in payment of outstanding accounts from the UBC AGM. The organization has taken a major charge in 2002-2002 with publication of four years of proceedings (1998-2001) but this amount will be recouped from fees charged to libraries for these volumes. Overall it is expected that the organization will break even on these publication, resulting in an overall balance of about $4,500 in the Association¹s accounts.

Some discussion of the proceedings ensued. It was agreed that P. Smith would review the viability of establishing a voluntary peer review process for student papers. It was also agreed that in future years paper givers would be asked for permission to post their papers to the BCPSA website in advance of the conference.


Student Awards: The annual essay prizes were awarded to Karen Lochead (PHD ­ SFU); Daniel Storms (MA ­ SFU); Tereza Fonda (UDUG- OUC) and Philip Kanigan (LDUG ­ Selkirk)


It was UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED that subject to ratification by the membership at the AGM lunch the following be elected to the BCPSA Executive for two year terms: VP1 ­ Pending Articulation (SFU/Kwantlen); VP2(A) ­ Tracy Summerville (UNBC); VP2(B) ­ Pending Articulation (SFU/Kwantlen); Regional Rep North ­ Boris De Weil (UNBC); Regional Rep Southern Interior ­ David Ding (OUC); Regional Rep Vancouver Island ­ Mike Meade (Malaspina) and Regional Rep Lower Mainland ­ Stephen Phillips (Langara).

8. It was MOVED by P, Smith and SECONDED by M. Howlett that the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED and the meeting adjourned at 9:30 am.